
Bridges to Connect

Working with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds adds vital value to your organization. At the same time, it creates a challenging environment to positively cooperate in performing tasks, accomplishing corporate objectives, and excelling towards fulfilling the organization’s vision and mission.

In addition, the work environment has an impact on the morale and the performance of the members within an organization, at various levels. Unhealthy work environment may result in increased conflicts, elevated stress levels and high employee turnover. Equipping professionals with the tools to communicate differently and build healthy patterns early in the relationships between individuals, in any corporate environment, plays a crucial role and establishes a solid foundation for success in the long run.

Relationships, just like bridges, help connect people and foster different types of communications: verbal and nonverbal. Much like any remarkable bridge out there, successful corporate are built upon strong and solid pillars. As you build your corporate towards its success, the healthy interactive relationships between the different pillars allow the smooth flow of ideas, views, and opinions and sets your corporate out on the road towards new horizons.

Integrated Training Approach

Bridges to Connect is a unique custom-made program designed to focus on areas that are important to the success of any professional entity willing to develop ways to communicate differently. Bridges to Connect is an action oriented, forward-looking program that helps individuals apply and integrate the learning into their daily life, whether professional or personal to create the desired change.

An increased investment in development programs is beneficial for everyone: employees, businesses, new hires and future leaders. By combining tools and concepts about communication, emotional intelligence, team dynamic, cultural diversity, we offer innovative programs and modules designed specifically to meet the needs of your corporation; These programs are based on diversified techniques such as Méthode ESPERE®, Co-active coaching, Organizational & Relationship System Coaching-ORSC and Neuro Linguistic Programming-NLP.

Bridges to Connect offers your corporate a host of benefits that increase the efficiency and productivity of future leaders, managers, and every employee working towards personal and professional advancement.

Benefits to Individuals:
  • Understand the importance of communication and relationships
  • Learn and acquire concepts and communication tools
  • Manage emotions and conflicts
  • Address and deal with challenging situations

Benefits to Corporate:
  • Improve group dynamics and work environment
  • Improve time management and team performance
  • Reduce conflicts and manage them differently
  • Increase tolerance level among members
The Program Pillars:
  • Relationship with Self (2 days, 16 hours)
  • Relationship with the Other - Personal and Professional (2 days, 16 hours)
  • Relationship at Work (2 days, 16 hours)

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